The Training School as a Community of Mutual Learning between Teachers and Students. A Research Perspective

Renata Michalak


The text attempts to show the value of the training school for the process of preparing students for the role of teachers. It is based on the assumptions of “Wielkopolska Training School in the Cogito” project, the implementation of which was completed in December 2020. The content of the article reflects the key aspects of teacher candidates’ education through their versatile involvement in a peer-learning network for in-service teachers and students. It also shows the empirical substance from the study of teacher training students, confirming the value and meaning of the teachers education model by creating training schools.


training school; teachers training; mutual learning community; practical student education

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Date of publication: 2021-11-15 21:31:46
Date of submission: 2021-04-12 21:32:39


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