A Didactic Application of the Theory of Creativity in School Education

Roksolyana Shvay


The teaching process depends on various factors. This paper attempts to show that two factors have a significant impact on the acquisition of knowledge, namely the personality of the teacher and the individual perception of the new material by the student. One of the main tasks of teaching and upbringing is the development of individual thinking. Different paths of development of logical thinking in the didactics of natural sciences have been defined, while there are no descriptions of ways for developing the right-hemispheric thinking and the implementation of image-centered teaching. Teaching children creativity allows to perform appropriate pedagogical technologies. The aims of the CARUS method are based on structural and functional transformations and the use of main strategies in creativity (combinatorial activities, analogue search, reconstruction, universal strategies, resultant exchanges) and tactics (interpolation, duplication, reproduction, convergence, deformation/transformation). The psychological characteristics of the CARUS system are education with the use of hindering conditions. The development of creative strategies constitutes an important indicator of the mental formation of the individual.


teaching creativity; pedagogical technologies; strategy; thinking; method

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/pe.2019.3.27-38
Date of publication: 2020-02-10 09:50:49
Date of submission: 2019-08-10 20:35:25


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