Reflection of Preschool-Aged Children Engaged in Creative Activity – Examples from the Author’s Own Research

Elżbieta Płóciennik


The complexity of the modern world more and more often requires competences related to wisdom thinking, including the ability of reflective thinking. Reflectivity allows us to take a closer look at the problems and phenomena we encounter, and thus to make decisions based on the analysis of own and environmental conditions as well as to identify the expected and possible effects of a given action. This promotes anticipation of threats and planning how to counteract them, therefore, the identification and development of reflective thinking are already needed in childhood. Analyses of conditions conducive to reflectivity and its development are rare in contemporary pedagogical literature, which is why the author invokes basic knowledge on the subject in this article and then gives examples of preschool-aged children’s reflective thinking identified in her own research.


reflective thinking; wisdom; creativity; preschool-aged child

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Date of publication: 2020-02-10 09:50:52
Date of submission: 2019-07-25 07:23:41


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