Tradition under Postmodernity. Reflexive Socialization

Dorota Misiejuk


Th challenges of the postmodern era also concern the educational system, which in the article is treated in the light of Krzysztof Brozi’s theory – as an element of the cultural system of the rank of cultural imperative. The analysis concerns the relationship between culture and tradition, where tradition is defined as the grammar of culture. The challenges concern above all the revaluations in the tradition, while the tradition itself as a system giving meaning and building meanings is inviolable. The postulates of revaluations concern the appreciation of cultural pluralism and basing the processes of creating cultural identity of individuals on creativity and freedom in the scope of inheritance acts. Central to this arrangement, for socialization processes, is competence in reading cultural artifacts, refelxivity, responsibility and imagination as virtues.


tradition; intercultural competence; reflxive socialization

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Date of publication: 2021-11-15 21:31:37
Date of submission: 2021-03-25 09:11:49


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