Autism Spectrum Disorders. What Intervention Methodologies Should We Select?

Ana Paula Antunes Alves


Considering that the child’s development is a network of interactions between the family, peers, caregivers and society forces us to look at the child with differentiated skills using lenses with different perspectives. Such an approach implies a choice of both the instruments that are used to observe or intervene, and method of interpreting the child’s behavior, which, while not following the typical development path, does not lose the features of being an actor acting on the basis of his own will, but also an organizer of his own actions, based on changes and their dynamics. Based on the ecological development theory, research was conducted to understand the perspectives of various actors (experts, professionals, parents) regarding educational intervention related to specific programs for students with autism spectrum disorders. Using the qualitative case study methodology, different views were noted that emerged in the narratives of children with autism spectrum disorders.


child; autism spectrum disorders; methodology; intervention; case study

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Date of publication: 2021-03-29 09:42:53
Date of submission: 2020-06-15 17:58:15


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