Forming Adequate Self-Assessment in Students as a Requirement of Their Professional Development

Nataliia Babych, Kateryna Tychyna


The modern system of education in higher school requires new approaches to the learning and assessment process. The formation of an adequate self-assessment of students during the learning process affects the quality of education and the motivation of self-learning and self-improvement. What is important for future speech therapist is the ability to criticize their level of knowledge and skills, which is a prerequisite for mastering logodiagnostic competence. The most difficult for students is a non-point evaluation, which requires formed critical thinking and adequate self-esteem. The article presents the results of self-assessment during the lecture and non-point evaluation of each other during seminars and practical classes of first-year students of the first (bachelor’s) level of the specialty “Special education” from the “Speech Therapy” program at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in 2016–2018. The obtained results made it possible to consider the assessment, as a condition for the professional development of future speech therapists, and as a means of feedback communication between participants in the educational process in higher school.


self-assessment; student; future speech therapist; vocational pedagogical education; non-point evaluation; assessment


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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 12:58:26
Date of submission: 2018-12-31 13:24:50


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