Axiological Connotations in the Semantics of the Concept Gamer (on Examples of Bulgarian and Russian Internet Language)

Marinela Paraskova Mladenova


The paper presents some axiological connotations and different positive and negative associations connected with the concept Gamer in the Bulgarian and Russian internet space. The observations and the analysis are based on electronic newspapers, forum comments, TV websites, personal blogs, posts, etc. in both languages. The national specificity of the Russian and Bulgarian gamer, presented through the titles of various online publications, as well as some differences in constructing semantic space around the concepts Russian gamer and Bulgarian gamer are commented.


Gamer, Bulgarian, Russian, axiological connotations, national specificity


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Date of publication: 2019-12-05 09:02:07
Date of submission: 2019-05-28 06:55:09


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