Women in the Life of King Casimir the Great According to Annales Seu Cronicae Incliti Regni Poloniae by Jan Długosz

Grzegorz Wójcik


The article is an attempt to show the role of women in the life of King Casimir III The Great on the basis of Annales Seu Cronicae Incliti Regni Poloniae by Jan Długosz. Not only does the text describe his romances and wives, but also the relations with his mother, sister and daughters. Even at the beginning of his first marriage a conflict between Casimir’s mother Jadwiga and his newlywed wife Anna emerged. Both women wanted to be the Queen of Poland. Jadwiga’s withdrawal helped to adjust the quarrel. Casimir the Great was extremely fond of women, which drove him into chronic adultery. He paid special attention to their appearance. He maintained numerous lovers and prostitutes he used to visit. Nevertheless, only the second of his three wives, Adelaide could not bear the situation and after she had spent long years during which Casimir’s presence was scarce, she returned to her father’s home. Casimir would often treat women in an instrumental way and he must have harmed them with his behavior, however, he did take care of his daughters and other women related to him by blood. His relations with women can be illustrated to some extent by his attitude to the Virgin Mary. On the one hand, he worshipped her in Wiślica but on the other hand, he could not abstain from hunting on a holiday devoted to the Virgin Mary. Casimir could have sworn to change for the better even to the pope, but his inclination was too strong and he would soon return to his old sins. Długosz claims that the punishment for his debauchery was the end of the dynasty. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that the king took proper care of widows and the poor, including women. That is why impecunious women paid him the last tribute with deep regret.


woman; wife; relative; Casimir the Great

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2015.34.1.91
Date of publication: 2015-09-07 11:36:57
Date of submission: 2015-09-02 12:09:38


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