The Role of Seniors in Building the National Identity of People Living Abroad

Norbert G. Pikuła


The article is focused on the category of national identity in the perspective of realizing the meaning of life and satisfying social needs by older people living in a foreign country (Canadian Polonia). In relation to the theory of identity formation and life in a multicultural world, the subject of research was patriotic attitudes of the elderly. The aim of the research was to diagnose and describe how elderly people born in Poland and living abroad understand their homeland, national identity. The research problem has the form of a question: What is the role of the elderly in building the national identity of people living abroad? The research was conducted with the qualitative interview method. In order to show the importance and value of actions taken by the elderly to shape the national identity of young generations, an interview was conducted among 36 seniors living in Canada. With regard to their experiences and needs related to the transmission of culture and national traditions of Poles, they indicated their role and importance in the shaping of national identity and the need for the commemoration of national traditions in order to cultivate the values characteristic of the Polish nation. The final conclusions propose actions enabling shaping the national identity of people living abroad.


identity; senior; meaning of life

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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 17:08:39
Date of submission: 2019-11-11 12:35:40


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