Domestic Violence and Functioning of Youth at School During Adolescence

Elżbieta Sałata, Ewa Gawryś


Violence in family is the most dramatic and the most frequent social problem. It violates freedom, personal interests and basic rights for health and life of family members. Violence in family has an enormous influence on the youth’s growing up in the period of adolescence. Both physical and mental harm that young people experience are disclosed in different forms and cover all spheres of life. Interference in functioning of young people both at school and in society appear under the influence of unfavorable family conditioning. The aim of the analysis is defining the influence of violence in family on functioning of youth at school and in domestic environment. Violence is a very sensitive topic, and because of this young people need support from every institution, a person who undertakes interventions related to ensuring safety to victims of violence and mitigating its negative effects. In order to ensure greater comfort for young people experiencing domestic violence, it is necessary to systematically carry out trainings and workshops for employees of schools and educational institutions, community centers and environmental clubs and for employees of municipal social welfare centers employees on working with the family with the problem of domestic violence.


youth; adolescence; family; violence

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Date of publication: 2021-01-25 12:17:33
Date of submission: 2019-11-02 21:53:24


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