The Right to the City and the Management of Urban Spaces by Informal Youth Groups and Gangs in the Light of the Concept of Urban Regimes

Małgorzata Michel


The purpose of this article was to attempt to answer the question about the issue that Henri Lefebvre raised for the first time in literature, namely who has the right to the city. To this end, the author drew on the theory of urban regimes and went deep into the spaces that official interest groups in the city, if they think, are only in the context of exclusion and getting rid of or in the process of gentrification of use for their own purposes. It turns out that in addition to these official groups, there are very active groups in the city, although their activity often takes place on the border of the law or is incompatible with it. Despite this fact, they play an important role in the influence games taking place in cities and believe that they have full right to the city with which they strongly identify, whose space they manage and for which space they are fighting, guided by the principles of the city’s second life. Contrary to popular belief, these principles play an important role in the security of urban spaces.


right to the city space; urban regimes; youth gangs

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Date of publication: 2019-12-20 11:03:28
Date of submission: 2019-04-29 15:26:14


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