Polish Youth’s Beliefs about the Functioning of Disabled People in the Family Sphere. Presentation of Own Research Results

Patrycja Zielińska


Shaping a positive image of disability is important for common functioning in society based on the principle of complementarity. Only then it is possible to say about the full integration of people with disabilities. Disability concerns not only persons but also members of their families. The subject of this study is to present the beliefs of Polish youth about the functioning of disabled people in the family sphere. It attempts to diagnose the beliefs within two research groups: students and high school youth. Thus, it was possible to distinguish the differences between groups of respondents. The main research problem is: What are the beliefs of young people about the functioning of people with disabilities in the family sphere and are there differences between school and academic youth in the analysed variables? The diagnostic survey method was used in this research. Based on the research it can be concluded that Polish young people are most strongly convinced of the fact that disabled people should be treated in the same way as other family members. Due to the multitude of aspects regarding family functioning, the research should be treated as an indication of the exploration field for further in-depth scientific analyses.


youth beliefs; disability; family functioning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2020.33.1.235-243
Date of publication: 2020-03-27 19:13:38
Date of submission: 2019-04-18 07:27:57


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