Ethnopedagogical and ethnopsychological frameworks for shaping the character in a Ukrainian child in the heritage of Mykola Shlemkevych

Oksana Yatsiv, Oresta Karpenko


The article deals with the aspects of development of the spiritual sphere of Ukrainians as proposed in the works of Mykola Shlemkevych which are related to understanding of the essence of the national character, the inflence of the history of the people, upbringing traditions, folk customs, life in the family. The authors have also revealed the influences of human activity on the formation of a person’s character features. According to Shlemkevych, the national character reflcts the attitude of people to reality, culture of those people, their literature, language, architecture, etc., and it is embodied in their particular way of thinking, feelings, typical behaviour, emotional reactions to actions. This does not exclude changes in the character of an individual during his/her lifetime, but typical features of one’s character are manifested in certain inclinations, disposition of the vast majority of representatives of the nation. According to Shlemkevych, these are the following traits of Ukrainians: faith in God, patriotism, hard work, emotionality, love of songs, respect for mother and family, freedom of love, hospitality.


national character; a person’s character; inner world of man; Christian worldview; worldview influences of activity

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:33
Date of submission: 2018-11-25 20:39:41


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