The principle of integration as a means of providing interdisciplinary connections in the training of specialists

Liudmyla Romanyshyna, Nataliia Samaruk


Pedagogical foundations of integration processes in education are discussed in the article. The problem of determining the essence, goals and signifiance of integration in the educational process is investigated. Levels of integration are highlighted (level of interdisciplinary connections, didactic synthesis, integrity). The role of interdisciplinary connections of natural science disciplines as an objective factor in the formation of students’ competence and activation of their cognitive activity is substantiated. The genesis of the development of this concept is considered. The importance of interdisciplinary connections in the educational process is highlighted. In addition, the article focuses on the problem of determining the functions of interdisciplinary connections. The problem of classification of interdisciplinary connections is investigated.


integration; integration processes; integration of knowledge; interpersonal relations

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:31
Date of submission: 2018-11-25 20:28:03


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