Using Google services in training of future teachers of natural specialties

Oksana Romanyshyna, Antonina Gura


Modern computer achievements in scientifi activity give access to common use of data from a great number of information repositories. The materials of the article are dedicated to defining the pedagogical possibilities of using Google services in training of future teachers of natural specialties. The article highlights the results of the assessment of the real state of educational activity of teachers and students with the use of modern information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT). The article analyzes the learning objectives and widely used services, which enable active introduction of ICT in the process of conducting lectures and practical classes, while preparing for self-study and testing.


information and communication technologies; Google services; cloud technologies; Internet; information educational environment; training of future teachers of natural specialties

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:30
Date of submission: 2018-11-25 20:18:19


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