Self-esteem and a Sense of Resilience in Relation to Needs Structure of People in Alcoholic Families

Aleksandra Duda


A disturbed family relationship resulting from alcohol problems has a significant impact on human identity, leaving an indelible mark on his personality. The research drew attention to self-esteem, the sense of resilience and the needs of people growing up in alcoholic families. The need for affiliation, the need for humiliation and the need for perseverance were used. The main research problem concerns the relationship between self-esteem and the sense of resilience and the selected needs of people growing up in alcoholic families. Self-assessment was measured using the Rosenberg SES Self-Assessment Scale. Sense of resilience was examined using the SPP-25 Scale of Measuring Sense of Resilience by Ogińska-Bulik and Juczyński. In the context of needs, the Adjective Checklist (ACL) by Gough was performed, from which individual needs were selected. A group of 60 people aged 20–40 took part in the study. The first group was made up of 30 people who brought up in families with an alcohol problem, and the next – 30 people who brought up in healthy families. Research has confirmed the relationship between self-esteem and selected needs. It has been proven that as self-esteem increases, the need for perseverance and affiliation increases, while when self-esteem decreases, the need for humiliation increases. The research results also showed a significant relationship between a sense of resilience and self-esteem. In the examined group, the resilience also increases with the increase of self-esteem.


self-esteem; sense of resilience; needs; alcoholic families

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Date of publication: 2021-06-12 13:30:24
Date of submission: 2018-11-21 19:49:45


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