Sexual education of the younger generation: Problems and ways of their solution

Nina Slyusarenko, Yaroslava Ospanova


The article emphasizes that the problems of education of young people occupy the prominent place in the life of each family and in educational institutions. However, sexual education needs to be given greater attention. At the same time, the need for sexual education of the younger generation is noted in many psychological and pedagogical sources. The review of works on issues related to sexual education published in the second half of the 19th  and early 21st centuries was presented. The essence of the basic concepts is revealed. The results of questionnaires conducted among senior pupils, students and teachers of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine concerning their awareness in the field of sexual relations, which prove the necessity of organizing sexual education of the younger generation, are analyzed. The main tasks of sexual pedagogy are outlined and it is emphasized that their implementation is extremely important and will contribute to solving one of the most signifiant psychological and pedagogical problems of the present, namely sexual education of the younger generation both in the family and in educational establishments. Additionally, the ways to improve the level of sexual education among the younger generation, and adults are determined.


education; younger generation; sexual education; tasks of sexual pedagogy

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:29
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:56:27


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