The secondary education reform in Ukraine: Moving to the EU standards

Olena Lokshyna


The aim of this paper is to compare the secondary education reforms in Ukraine with reforms in the European Union. In the 21st century, education in the European Union is viewed from the standpoint of building a knowledge society, which actualizes the duration of school education as well as mastering the competences of its citizens. The reforms of the extension of school education and its transformation into a competence approach are embracing all European Union member states. In Ukraine, within the framework of the European integration, the reforms of school education (of the structure and of the content) are aimed at synchronizing the Ukrainian school with the European standards. In conclusion, challenges of this process are specified and recommendations are made.


reform; school education; Ukraine; European integration; European Union

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:24
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:43:41


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