Aesthetotherapy: The competence of the modern teacher in area of human-related sciences

Olga Fedij


The article is dedicated to the major concerns of the aesthetotherapeutic education of the modern teacher, who works in complex socio-cultural conditions in the era of information society. The methodological basis of the aesthetotherapy is made of the following psycho-pedagogical human-oriented concepts: personally-oriented educational paradigm of classical aesthetics, valeological aesthetics, the theory of evolution of sanogenic thinking, art therapy and art-pedagogical concept of formation and development of the individual, etc. An interdisciplinary approach toward investigating the aesthetotherapy as philosophical, aesthetic, psychotherapeutic, psychological and educational categories, has created a background for an integrated definition. Aesthetotherapy is an independent sphere of scientific knowledge about the ways and methods of creating psychologically comfortable educational environment by the teacher. It is estimated that such environment has the potential of restoring the natural harmony of the modern child with the environment and creates the fertile background for the further creative development of an individual. In the article, the following aspects are considered and represented: the purpose, tasks, types and means of the aesthetotherapy in the professional activity of the modern teacher. Finally, the author has offered the general principles of projecting the aesthetotherapy into professional teaching career.


aesthetotherapy; educational environment; creative self-realization; psychologically comfortable environment; "subject-to-subject" form of interaction

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:16
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:15:27


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