Sisu – Cultural Emotion, Cognitive Script or Word Key to the Identity of the Finns?

Jakub Adamczewski, Monika Obrębska


The aim of the article was to examine the relationship between the mother tongue and the sense of national identity on the example of the Finnish word sisu. Sisu is understood in this work as a cognitive script which consists of the set of psychological traits, and emotions as well as a key-word approach which helps to understand the Finnish culture. 140 Finnish citizens who speak Swedish and Finnish participated in the study. All participants were paired and their results were compared by using the following: a self-made questionnaire about the sisu identity, the Persistence Scale from B. Zawadzki and J. Strelau Temperament Questionnaire, H.J. Eysenck i S.B.G. Eysenck Questionnaire Risk Scale, The General Self-Efficacy Scale of R. Schwarzer and M. Jerusalem. Although the assumed hypothesis has not been entirely proven, the results still should encourage reflection and lead to further research in this area.




sisu; persistence; self-efficacy; riskiness; language identity

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Date of publication: 2019-04-26 10:22:35
Date of submission: 2018-07-31 13:36:34


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