Late-life Depression – Diagnostic Challenges

Łucja Domańska


Late-life depression is a serious and increasing problem in contemporary society, although it seems to be underestimated in clinical practice. It leads to high mortality, deteriorates general somatic condition, escalates disability and destroys patients’ and their families’ quality of life. Depressive symptoms may be difficult to identify and interpret in the elderly because other concomitant pathologies mask the signs of depression. In the article, the specific psychosocial background and clinical features of late-life depression were described. The diagnostic challenges and their sources were recognized. Depression-executive dysfunction syndrome and other cognitive deficits manifested by patients with late-life depression were characterized. Monitoring of patients’ cognitive functioning was recommended in the course of late-life depression treatment.


depression; elderly; cognitive impairment; depression-executive dysfunction syndrome; poststroke depression

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Date of publication: 2019-02-26 17:52:11
Date of submission: 2018-06-05 02:30:41


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