Oral Hygiene of People with Intellectual Disabilities – Health and Educational Contexts

Aleksandra Mach


Scientific literature, both Polish and foreign, highlights the high risk of developing oral diseases by persons with intellectual disabilities. The possible reasons include congenital dental defects, abnormalities of the masticatory system distinctive for certain genetic disorders, health complications affecting the dental condition, poor hygiene, poor diet, but also difficulties in accessing specialized dental offices or the fact that parents may not be aware of their existence. Parents are possibly the most important people responsible for a person’s oral health; they can do so by scheduling doctor’s appointments, as well as taking care of the child’s diet and oral hygiene. The aim of the presented research was to obtain the parents’ opinions on everyday oral hygiene needs, and dental care provided for their children with intellectual disabilities. Attention was drawn to the oral hygiene behaviors and attempts made by the person suffering from an intellectual disability, or if necessary, by their parent.


oral hygiene; education on oral health; dental care; person with intellectual disability; parents

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2018.31.2.161-174
Date of publication: 2018-12-22 08:06:07
Date of submission: 2018-05-31 18:13:40


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