Centrality of Religiosity, Post-Critical Beliefs and Openness to International Career Among Students

Agata Goździewicz-Rostankowska, Beata Zarzycka, Anna Tychmanowicz


The importance of religion on the several stages of migration is mentioned in the literature (Hagan, Ebaugh 2003; Hagan 2013; cf. Williams 2000). Although in the shaping of migrational intentions and decision making in this area, the crucial role play financial issues and need of improving material status (Kontuly, Smith, Heaton 1995; Myers 2000), it seems that axiological beliefs, especially religious ones, are important. The conducted research regarding importance of religion and religiosity for shaping of migrational intentions are not so numerous. However, they show the significance of these factors (Myers 2000).

The aim of the research presented in this article was the analysis of two multidimensional theoretical constructs – religiosity and openness to international career. There were 324 students examined (75.30% of them were women). The mean age in this group was M=20.84 (SD=1.58). There were used following measures: The Centrality of Religiosity Scale of Huber (2003; Zarzycka 2007, 2011), The Post-Critical Belief Scale of Hutsebaut (1996; Bartczuk, Wiechetek, Zarzycka 2011; Bartczuk, Zarzycka, Wiechetek 2013) and Openness to International Career Scale of Bańka (2005). The obtained results did not confirm previous results indicating that individual religiosity has an important meaning in the context of migrational intentions (see research review of Myers [2000]). However, the research reveals that rather rejection of religion may be connected with bigger openness to international career.


centrality of religiosity; post-critical beliefs; openness to international career

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2018.31.1.149-168
Date of publication: 2018-07-05 08:06:13
Date of submission: 2018-02-23 10:01:20


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