Attitudes and Good Practices in the Field of Employment of Academic Teachers in Opinions of Younger Polish and Foreign Academics

Grażyna Bartkowiak, Agnieszka Krugiełka


The subject of the article is the problem of the attitude of younger Polish and foreign academic teachers towards their older peers aged 55 plus and good practices that could be applied to improve the quality of life of the latter and avoid loss of intellectual capital for the university. The study is composed of two parts. A synthetic theoretical part discussing the problem of attitudes, as well as the specificity of the functioning of academic teachers and the methodological-empirical teachers discussing the research workshop and the results obtained from the research. The research, conducted in the group of 41 teaching professionals from Poland and 37 living in Western Europe, showed that in most cases they were positive attitudes, indicated the possibility of applying good practices and conditions to be fulfilled in order to preserve or improve the quality of life of mature teachers. At the same time, it turned out that there were common and specific opinions of the two groups of employees surveyed which would be subjected to further empirical verification.


attitudes; good practices; academic teachers 55 plus

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Date of publication: 2017-11-09 08:16:41
Date of submission: 2017-07-27 07:48:01


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