Sense of Coherence and Life Aspirations of Young Adults

Paweł Kot, Joanna Lenda


The sense of coherence, as a personality variable, affects an individual’s functioning in its various areas. Some researchers find links between the world of values to life as a mental resource and the sense of coherence. Perceiving the world as reasonable and orderly may be related to the emergence of life aspirations. A group of 162 young adults were surveyed (101 women and 61 men), aged 21–33 (M=22.52; SD=1.85). The survey was based on a questionnaire with the use of the Sense of Coherence Scale and the Life Aspirations Index. The statistical analyses performed revealed positive links between life aspirations and the sense of coherence. In addition, significant statistical differences were identified between the employed and unemployed in the level of sense of coherence and the preferences of individual life goals. The obtained results may be useful in the process of career counselling and human resources management addressed to young adults.


sense of coherence; life aspirations; various

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Date of publication: 2017-07-11 21:56:19
Date of submission: 2016-10-21 17:00:32


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