The Sense of Justice of Internet Recruitment in the Group of Young Adult Internet Users

Kamil Franczyk


The article deals with the problem of the sense of justice of Internet recruitment procedures among young adults. Meta-analysis of studies on the sense of justice of the recruitment process shows that it is extremely important for both employers and job candidates. Influencing the attitude of a candidate to the organization, it provides a number of both positive and negative effects. In order to investigate the problem, in case of young adults (as people which entering the stage of development, which one of the main goals is to find a job), it has been conducted a three-part test to determine the perceived level of justice of e-recruitment procedures, as well as its impact on the assessment of the recruitment announcement and recruiting organization. On the basis of the Internet survey (N=280), we found significant differences between categories of significance for justice (transparency, objectivity, feedback, job information and freedom of expression) and predictions as to the actual course of Internet recruitment. Furthermore, in the experimental variant we demonstrated that the assessment of the general announcement is only to ensure a fair procedure for the provision of feedback.


Internet recruitment; sense of justice; procedural justice

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Date of publication: 2018-01-17 10:12:16
Date of submission: 2016-10-04 17:08:02


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