The mechanisms of human creative activity as viewed from the perspective of interactive psychological theory

Stanisław Leon Popek


The topic of this dissertation concerns immensely current and important field of psycho-didactic knowledge which is linked to the essence of social and personal development of children, young people and adults in the age of „the society of knowledge and progress”.

           Nowadays, the social reality is characterized by fast scientific and technological progress, expiration of simple actions in favour of those which are more complicated mentally and practically which brings about the need for creative and innovative people. In such conditions it is necessary to transform the educational strategies on all levels. That is why this dissertation outlines the theoretical model of personality with the special attention being paid to special and creative talents in systemic, holistic and interactive perspectives. This model also takes into consideration the individual differences in human psyches which make the structure of these talents so diverse and remote from the traditional schema based on the theory of intelligence. The delineated model of psyche shows the necessity to reconstruct the didactic system which means the departure from reproductive and presentative  strategies (the traditional school system) and acceptance of the poli-method strategies (modern school system, based on the interaction of individual differences).


creativity; interactive psychological theory; education

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Date of publication: 2017-06-28 11:17:18
Date of submission: 2016-07-05 12:47:15


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