Developing psychological resilience of music school students

Barbara Anna Wojtanowska-Janusz


The aim of the article is to clarify key terminology connected with the concept of psychological resilience and to present the chosen methods of supporting and developing resilience in the artistic educational environment. In the literature concerning resilience the existence of various protective factors, vital for developing such resilience (as bonds with relations, individual characteristic features and abilities of a child, the school and off-school environment) has been proved. In the article the importance of psycho-educational workshops has been pointed out in enhancing the sense of efficacy, self-confidence and developing the ability to cope with stress. The school and its prophylactic actions are essential to positive adaptation of its students. Programmes of positive prophylactics have influence on the youth and help them prepare to cope with stress in everyday life. On the basis of that assumption the structure of workshops “To tame stage fright” has been presented. Those workshops, held in music schools, serve to shape the students’ ability to cope with stage fright during public performances.

Key words: psychological resilience, stage fright, music school.


psychological resilience; stage fright; music school

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Date of publication: 2017-06-28 11:17:29
Date of submission: 2016-03-19 18:44:34


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