Social Transformation and Plans for Future of Young Polish and Ukrainian Adults

Katarzyna Markiewicz, Lidiya Oryshchyn


Intensive and fast development of digital technology as well as the world financial crisis, which resulted in the collapse of economy created changes that had a serious impact upon the young generation both in their everyday activities and in planning their future life. However, the plans may depend to a considerable degree upon social and political situation of a given country. Therefore, the present study aimed at making comparison of planning and imagining their future by young Poles and Ukrainians as the two countries underwent serious transformations. The modified Social Readjustment Rating Scale, Cantril’s Ladder and The Vision of Future developed by L. Oryshchyn were administered. The obtained results reflect optimistic but differentiated attitudes towards future life in both examined groups.


social transformations; emerging adulthood; developmental tasks; expectation of life

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Date of publication: 2016-12-10 10:33:54
Date of submission: 2016-02-20 23:11:50


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