Some aspects of upbringing of child with intellectual disabilities in the moderate degree in the perspective of mothers and teaching staff

Bożena Sidor-Piekarska


The article has an empirical character. The problem considered in it concerns the specificity of the process of raising a child with intellectual disability in the moderate degree. The research includes two own surveys directed to the children’s mothers, teachers and special teachers. 60 people took part in the research, including 30 mothers of children with intellectual disability in the moderate degree (children aged 6 to 14) and 30 teachers and special teachers working with children with intellectual disability in the moderate degree aged 6 to 14. The results of the research indicate the most commonly highlighted goals from the viewpoint of the mothers of children with intellectual disability in the moderate degree in case of their upbringing: self-reliance and eliminating difficult behaviour as well as socializing and communicating. The teachers, on the other hand, emphasised mainly the objectives connected with forming self-reliance and socializing. The children’s mothers declare that difficult behaviour of children is their main educational problem (among others obstinacy, aggression, rebellion), whereas children achieve the biggest success in self-service activities and self-management. All the examined teachers think that the school is both a place of bringing up and teaching students with intellectual disability in the moderate degree, therefore they combine educational contents with the ones associated with upbringing during classes.


child with intellectual disability; upbringing; mothers; teachers

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Date of publication: 2015-09-02 09:42:49
Date of submission: 2015-09-02 09:12:48


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