Relationship Quality of Pregnant and Non-pregnant Women with and without Children

Paulina Banaszkiewicz, Karolina Górnik-Horn


The study aimed to determine differences in selected parameters of women’s relationship quality depending on whether they already have children with their current partner and whether they are currently pregnant. The study included overall relationship satisfaction, attachment anxiety and avoidance, and jealousy. The following scales were used: the Couple Satisfaction Index CSI-32, the Experience in Close Relationships – Revised, and the Multidimensional Jealousy Scale. The participants were 274 non-pregnant women and 105 pregnant women who were in a romantic relationship at the time of the study. The analyses showed that relationship satisfaction was higher among pregnant women. In this group, lower attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance, as well as weaker cognitive jealousy were also observed. Overall relationship satisfaction was lower in the group of women who had children, although when considering pregnancy, it was found that pregnant women showed the same level of relationship satisfaction regardless of whether or not they already had offspring. The research largely confirmed the higher relationship quality among pregnant women and partially lower relationship quality among women with children. However, the differences in terms of jealousy turned out to be inconsistent with the assumptions. The study’s conclusions were discussed in relation to the existing literature.


relationship satisfaction; attachment anxiety and avoidance; jealousy; relationship quality of pregnant women; relationship quality of women with children

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Date of publication: 2024-09-30 16:58:39
Date of submission: 2023-09-21 22:58:03


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