Teachers, Students, and Parents in the Context of Peer Cyberbullying – Problem Analysis, Prevention, Challenges

Aldona Rumińska-Szalska


The aim of the article is to present the problem of peer cyberbullying and digital addiction as common social phenomena in the modern virtual world. The topic is up-to-date and very important in terms of being related to children and teenagers. The study presents the distinction between the terms of cyberbullying and aggression in the context of the interpretation of phenomena, the main effects of cyberbullying actions, and their effects in relation to the victims and the perpetrators in a holistic approach. A brief overview of the types of cyberbullying has been made, with an emphasis put on relations among peers. In view of the specific nature of the problem, the article shows the importance of the educational space as a place of escalation of the problem that has its roots in the home environment. During the analysis of the problem, reference was made to empirical research in the discussed area. Particular attention was paid to the activity of young people during communication on social networks (Facebook) and the addictive, but also expected by them, mechanism of liking. In addition, recommendations for teachers and parents were presented, aiming at initiating preventive actions towards hate speech and cyberstress, which have an impact on the quality of human life.


peer cyberbullying; aggression; digital addiction; cyberstress; quality of human life

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2023.36.2.89-107
Date of publication: 2023-08-28 09:42:18
Date of submission: 2023-02-25 22:18:52


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