The Aspect of Relationship within Constructivist Early Childhood Education – an Analysis of Teachers’ Experiences

Anna Jarkiewicz, Elżbieta Szulewicz


This article presents the results of our own research. Qualitative analysis was made of interviews in which early childhood education teachers, who declare and use a constructivist approach in their work, talk about their experiences in introducing and working with this approach. The interviews were conducted in 2022 with five female teachers. The analysis of the empirical material concerned the identification of challenges, difficulties, and limitations in implementing the constructivist approach in early childhood education. The focus was on the resulting modifications in the relationship between the teacher and other parties, i.e. teacher–school, teacher–student, and teacher–parent. The research results indicate that a relatively simple relationship conversion occurs in the teacher–school interaction (the favourable attitude of the school management of course determines the simplicity of this modification). Much more difficult modifications concern teacher–student or teacher–parent interactions, which are conditioned by a number of elements, including the specific socio-cultural context and the attitudes to education and teachers ascribed by the participants within it.


constructivism; early childhood education; relationship; teachers

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Date of publication: 2023-08-28 09:42:17
Date of submission: 2023-01-30 11:28:25


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