Maria Montessori’s Pedagogical Thought in the Face of the Effects of Black Pedagogy and Competition

Bogusław Śliwerski


The subject of the analysis of Maria Montessori’s thought is the idea of education for peace as an antidote to the affirmation of violence in politics and socialization and educational environments. The war in Ukraine was the inspiration to take up this issue, which triggered another dispute in pedagogical circles about the role and effectiveness of education for peace. Military violence against one of sovereign states is returning more and more often in the world, including Europe. After the war of the 1990s in the Balkans, we have been experiencing Russia’s imperial war against Ukraine for eight years, the intensification of which in the spring of 2022 revealed the necrophilic effect of educating the aggressor’s young generations. In the article, the author asks the question of to what extent Montessori’s pedagogy of peace and her ideas of respecting human rights and raising children in love still have a chance of being confronted with black pedagogy, negative pedagogy. The research of contemporary psychological and pedagogical thought shows that the origins of violence lie in childhood and the primary socialization environment of children and adolescents.


Maria Montessori; negative pedagogy; education for peace; violence; black pedagogy; war

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Date of publication: 2023-06-13 12:01:53
Date of submission: 2022-12-20 14:07:29


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