Health-Protective Behaviour of Young Adults and Emotion Regulation in Time of Coronavirus Pandemic

Kamil Łukasz Góra, Katarzyna Agnieszka Bijas, Adrian Korniluk, Justyna Gerłowska


The pandemic reality has a huge impact on the daily functioning of people around the world. Young adults have had to face new requirements and barriers both at school and at work. The prolonged lockdown was connected with passive observation and learning about the dynamics of changes which were taking place in front of our own eyes during the following months of the pandemic. After the initial reaction of shock and generalized peritraumatic anxiety, a gradual development of adaptive behaviour was observed. The article analysis data collected online at two-time points (April 2020 and November–December 2020). The main research question was to explore if there is a change in well-being among the group of young adults in response to the restrictions imposed by the government on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Among women and men, statistically significant differences between the results in the declared attitudes regarding compliance with hygiene and social behavior at two-time points were confirmed. The captured differences may suggest a gradual reduction of generalized anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic threat. Originally increased results in the use of behaviors aimed at reducing the possibility of infection, in the second round were significantly lower, confirming the lessened negative emotions and normalization of behavior.


emotion regulation; young adults; health-protective behaviour; pandemic; adaptive behaviour

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Date of publication: 2022-12-19 09:09:40
Date of submission: 2022-07-19 12:53:44


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