Individual and Social Events and the Dimensions of Personal Identity – Empirical Studies

Aleksandra Witkowska, Dorota Mącik


The article presents research findings that show how the dimensions of personal identity and human beliefs, emotions and values change in the context of individual or social events. The study tried to find an answer to the research question: What is the relationship between the dimension of personal identity and the social and individual experiences? The study involved 142 people, including 82 women and 60 men. The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS) by Luyckx et al., in the Polish adaptation of Brzezinski and Piotrowski, was used to measure identity dimensions. The study was conducted in Poland. The thesis was that a single event has a greater impact on personal identity change than a social event. It has been shown that the quantity of social change influences the changes within the dimension of personal identity Ruminate Exploration more strongly, while the perception of an individual event by its nature has more influence on personal identity than the social event, especially in the dimension Identification with Obligation. The results may be relevant to clinical practice to understand the impact of different life events on a person’s development or regression with respect to his or her long-term decisions and goals.


dimensions of identity; personal identity; life events; changes

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Date of publication: 2022-12-19 09:09:29
Date of submission: 2022-07-07 23:50:30


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