Education and Professional Development of Teachers in a Special Aesthetic Boarding School in the Process of Distance Learning

Janina Owsijenko


The purpose of the study was to indicate the ways of teachers’ professional development in the process of organizing distance learning and to describe the experience and determine the conditions of effective organization of distance learning in a specialized aesthetic boarding school in rural areas. The subject of the study was the professional development of teachers in the process of preparation and organization of distance learning. The study uses the methods of systematization, generalization, comparison, explanation, forecasting. The article is devoted to the problem of training and professional development of boarding school teachers in the process of distance learning. The experience of the teachers of the boarding school in the organization of remote teaching is analyzed, the effective forms of teachers’ pedagogical activity are revealed. The experiences of improving the information and educational space of the school and creating personal websites, blogs, authoring remote teaching courses are described.


professional development; distance learning; boarding school; teachers

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Date of publication: 2022-04-29 12:29:57
Date of submission: 2022-02-21 09:45:46


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