Death as a Difficult Event in a Child’s Life

Monika Dacka


In the course of their lives, children experience many difficult events, such as illness, parents’ separation, divorce or the death of a loved one. Particularly in the current situation of the pandemic, normal processes of experiencing death and mourning are disrupted. Farewell to a loved one, especially an infected one, is subject to strong restrictions, and is often even impossible. Such a situation may contribute to serious difficulties in the cognitive, emotional and social functioning of a child, especially when he or she is left alone with the event. In the face of loss, a sense of helplessness and confusion frequently occurs. Difficult situations are undoubtedly an integral part of life. They are widespread and unavoidable. In difficult experiences, it becomes important to take appropriate action of an autoplastic nature, aimed at transforming the sensitivity, personality and interior of an individual. Adults who want to help a child in difficult situations experience an inner conflict between protecting the child and wanting to be honest with them. The aim of the article is to depict the specific manner in which children understand death and experience mourning. The paper also presents forms of helping a child experiencing the death of a loved one.


death; child; help; difficult situation; loss

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Date of publication: 2021-12-23 22:21:18
Date of submission: 2020-12-29 12:42:00


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