Zarządzanie sobą – umiejętność konieczna dla współczesnego nauczyciela

Stanisław Dawidziuk


In the modern world, people have unlimited possibilities to gain success in the field they choose. Technological progress, mainly the Internet, has ushered in a new era of communication between
people. The world, being a global village, has become not yet a dream of people but the reality they live in. In such a world, one of the most important factors of a human existence is the way people
use their time. Therefore the role of one’s ability to manage oneself in every aspect of a human existence is constantly growing. The analysis of one’s expectations with the real achievements gives people important knowledge on the socio-economic needs. To gain success in the surrounding world we need to learn how to manage ourselves and how to develop, we need to do the things we are best at, keep the brain sharp and have energy and self-acceptance. Taking into account a teacher’s responsibility for the young people he/she teaches and raises, this profession is more like a mission. In the process of preparing the youth to live and function in the modern world, teachers should also
help them to create their own ability to manage themselves. Considering the relation between the master and student who follows his master’s steps, a contemporary teacher needs to do his/her best to know himself/herself well and to have a knowledge on managing oneself.


ability; innovation; effective management; marketing

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Date of publication: 2015-07-09 21:45:45
Date of submission: 2015-07-09 16:13:17


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