Transversal Competencies in Physical Education in the Finnish National Core Curriculum 2014 for Basic Education

Arleta Suwalska


The article presents an overview of transversal competencies through the prism of physical education. The main component of the study was an analysis of the National Core Curriculum 2014 for Basic Education in Finland. Analyses of the curriculum began with a literature review on changes in the Finnish curriculum, especially transversal competencies. The next step was to concentrate on the curriculum and to identify how issues of physical education were solved. The problem method was used, including the study of documents concerning educational change. The article uses primary rather than secondary sources. In order to present physical education from a Finnish perspective, the following research questions were formulated: 1) What tasks are included in the curriculum? 2) What are the strengths of the physical education curriculum? 3) What role does the national curriculum play in the global success of Finnish education in the 21st century? To sum up, the national curriculum plays a major role in the global success of Finnish physical education in the 21st century and prepares global citizens who are able to live in the contemporary, globalised world.


transversal competencies; physical education; Finnish education; globalised world

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Date of publication: 2021-06-12 13:30:15
Date of submission: 2020-09-18 17:58:11


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