The Level of Development of Language Production and Comprehension in Early School Age Children

Magdalena Wasylewicz, Anna Lenart


The aim of the presented research was to assess the level of language development of early school age children in two aspects: language production and comprehension. For this purpose, 458 children from five Subcarpathian schools were examined. The Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) test module and the Language Development Test (Test Rozwoju Językowego, TRJ) subtests were used in the study. The child’s gender, place of living and class were assumed to influence the level of development of language production and comprehension. Research results indicate a relatively large number of children with a low score in both language production and comprehension, as well as slightly better language skills of girls compared to boys. In addition, there is a need for checking the language development of children also at subsequent levels of education to identify those with difficulties in this area and implement proper support.


language development; early school age; language comprehension; language production

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Date of publication: 2021-06-12 13:30:08
Date of submission: 2020-08-12 10:43:03


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