Psychological Characteristics of Emotional Functioning of Families with Problem Children

Myroslava Mushkevych


The presented article describes the main emotional and interpersonal characteristics of family members with problem children. The empirical study covered the use of projective tests “Self-portrait”, “Non-existent animal”, “Family picture”, “Man in the rain”, “House. Tree. Man”. Theoretically, a dysfunctional family can cause and aggravate various neuropsychological and psychosomatic symptoms, personality disorders and social adjustment of family members. It is empirically proven that members of dysfunctional families with troubled children have feelings of instability, psychosomatic manifestations, suspicion, distrust, difficulties in communicating and interacting with others, anxiety, fear, aggression, impulsivity, passivity, emotional and intellectual immaturity, sexual problems, coldness in relations, rigidity, tension, disturbances in social and psychological adaptation, tendency to avoid problems. It is substantiated that dysfunctional families with problem children do not have such characteristics of personal and family functioning as cohesion of family members, positivity of the family climate, interaction of family members, resistance to stress. It is stated that the main task when working with such a family is to provide psychological assistance in solving these problems and difficulties of various kinds. It is assumed that the results obtained will form the basis of the optimal model of psychological support of both, the individual and the whole family system.


dysfunctional family; problem child; personal characteristics; family characteristics

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:04:29
Date of submission: 2020-05-13 10:27:54


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