Cultural Differences between Poland and the United States Found Through the Use of Hofstede’s Model – Brief Report

Daria Patalas, Aleksandra Jasielska


The following paper presents a preliminary study based on Hofstede’s six-dimensional cultural model that was conducted in order to compare relationships between locus of control, self-esteem, emotion regulation strategies and coping with stress strategies in Poles and Americans. In the study, it was expected that Poles would differ significantly from Americans as to the above-mentioned psychological constructs and that statistically significant correlations between variables within a given country would be observed. Methods used in the following study are: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Self-Esteem Scale, Multidimensional Coping Inventory and The Locus of Control Questionnaire. As a result of statistical analysis, the majority of tested hypotheses have not been confirmed. Thus, it can be indicated that Poles and Americans do not significantly differ regarding these factors, which can be associated with some long-term consequences in terms of the perception of these countries. The interpretation of the following findings has been provided pertaining to the specification of Hofstede’s estimated values for Poland, methodological limitations as well as different cultural changes.


Hofstede’s model; locus of control; self-esteem; emotion regulation strategies; coping with stress strategies

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:04:02
Date of submission: 2020-04-09 13:21:33


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