Vocational Counsellor in the German School System: Historical and Institutional Context of the Profession

Magdalena Zapotoczna


The article describes the profile of a career counsellor against the background of historical changes in the orientation and vocational guidance system in Germany. The formal and legal conditions of the counseling profession were also described, due to the fact that in Germany there are no uniform legal regulations regarding the qualifications, training or professional status of persons providing career guidance. The results of the analysis carried out indicate that in the context of lifelong learning, education and career guidance is a link between the needs of citizens and the requirements of education and the labour market. The long tradition of well-established educational and vocational guidance in Germany is intertwined with dynamic socio-economic changes that generate new challenges for the guidance system, including the counseling profession.


vocational counsellor; career guidance; orientation and vocational guidance system in Germany; the German school system

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2021.34.4.205-215
Date of publication: 2022-03-02 18:21:24
Date of submission: 2020-03-04 17:48:11


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