The Impact of Education Informatization on the Process of Engineering Educators’ Professional Becoming

Oleh Malyshevskyi


The article reveals the influence of education informatization on the process of computer engineering educators’ professional becoming. It is substantiated that at present education informatization plays the role of a socio-cultural mechanism influencing the formation of an active, enterprising, and mobile specialist in the field of vocational education. It is established that the growth and complexity of social, economic, and professional information require the computer engineering educator to be able to adapt quickly and effectively to new conditions in the labour market. It actualizes the social need for the purposeful formation in such professionals of information and communication skills implying the achievement of professional self-improvement, self-determination, and self-positioning.


education informatization; information and communication technologies; computer engineering educators; information and communication competences; psychological and pedagogical competences

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Date of publication: 2020-06-29 17:48:48
Date of submission: 2020-02-28 09:29:26


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