Axiological Aspects in the Tale Medenata Pita by Konstantin Konstantinov

Elitsa Georgieva, Mira Dushkova


The paper presents a linguo-cultural analysis of the tale Medenata Pita (The Honey Bread) by the Bulgarian writer Konstantin Konstantinov. The authors try to build a complex methodological apparatus for studying readers’ perceptions regarding the axiological aspects of the text. The study starts with the analysis of surveys carried out among undergraduate students of Bulgarian Language and History on the axiological components of the text. Then, an analytical linguistic model is built to explain the obtained results. The conceptual metaphor LIFE IS A JOURNEY created by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Lakoff and Turner (1989) serves as a theoretical underpinning; its structure is compared to the plot of the tale. The model is enriched with the interpretation of words and images typical of the traditional Bulgarian culture (bread, destiny / fate, fortune tellers, luck). In the course of the study, close connection is established between the students’ answers, the linguo-cultural analytical apparatus and Konstantin Konstantinov’s text.


Konstantin Konstantinov, Medenata Pita, linguo-cultural analysis, content analysis, linguistic model, axiological approach, cognitive metaphor theory, bread, fate, fortune tellers, luck

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Date of publication: 2018-12-17 13:02:47
Date of submission: 2018-12-14 14:14:54


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