18th-century Bulgaria through the Eyes of Hetman Pylyp Orlik (Based on His Travel Diary from the Years 1720–1723)

Mariola Walczak-Mikołajczakowa


The paper comments on the information about 18th-century Bulgaria revealed by Cossack hetman Pylyp Orlyk in his travel diary. In October 1720 Orlik set out on a journey from Stockholm to Istanbul. The purpose of his trip was to find allies and supporters to fight against Russia. Orlik’s journey began in Stockholm, because his first and most important ally was the king of Sweden, Charles XII, with whom he had already come in contact and agreed on joint plans. A large part of the hetman’s journey went through the territories of the Ottoman Empire and the lands dependent on him. This is why his travel diary contained much information about Bulgaria and the Bulgarians. Orlik described the places where he stayed for a night, reported the course of the following days, travel hardships, meetings held and even eaten meals. He wrote about the state of the church and the number of Christians in each town. His diary is therefore a source of invaluable knowledge about the Bulgarian lands in the first half of the 18th century.


hetman, Cossack, travel report, Bulgaria, Thrace, 18th-century memoirs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/zcm.2018.7.125-134
Date of publication: 2018-12-17 13:02:47
Date of submission: 2018-12-14 13:58:50


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