New authoritarianism in the XXI century: global trends and Russian case study

Alexandra Glukhova


The purpose of the research was to analyze the phenomenon of the new authoritarianism in the XXIth century. New authoritarianism has a similarity with the classic authoritarian regimes of past eras, but also it has significant differences with them. The author captures the growth of authoritarian tendencies in the modern world and the resulting attempts of researchers to theoretically comprehend the phenomenon of authoritarianism, including its nature, factors favoring it, as well as the reasons for its stability and the risks of destabilization. The author cites the warnings of prominent intellectuals (R. Darendorf, s. Huntington) against underestimating the "stealing authoritarianism" as a modern form of a threat to democracy and freedom, as a restriction of the liberal order. The article identifies the factors contributing to the authoritarian trend, as well as the characteristic features of the new authoritarianism: anti-pluralism, restriction of free political activity, spreading xenophobia, etc. The Russian case study shows all the stages of new authoritarianism in the 1990s – 2000s, and its specific modern look (neocorporativism, statehood, the cultivation of traditional values and the image of the enemy represented by the West, etc.) Based on the theoretical model of the “critical moment” (Critical Yuncture), the vulnerable sides of the neo-authoritarian regime are shown, creating for it risks of destabilization.


new authoritarianism; archaic; antipluralism; stability factors; destabilization risks; Russia; neocorporativism; state power; traditional values; ruling elite; "Critical moment" (Critical Yuncture)


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Date of publication: 2019-12-23 10:11:04
Date of submission: 2019-12-22 18:35:11


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