Greek and Macedonian Political Refugees in the Polish People’s Republic and the Current Migration Crisis on the Polish-Belarusian Border

Anna Citkowska-Kimla, Piotr Kimla


The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of two different approaches to the migration problem. The first one refers to the government of the Polish People’s Republic, which agreed to accept several thousand Greek and Macedonian political refugees fleeing from Greece after the communist side lost the civil war. The policy of the Polish communist authorities brought success in the form of successful coexistence between Greeks and Macedonians with Poles. The second approach is presented by the current Polish government. This is a policy of not admitting any migrants brought to the Polish-Belarusian border by the Belarusian and Russian regimes that are hostile to Poland. The presented comparison is an original attempt to draw conclusions regarding the sources of these different approaches and their political and social consequences. The topic discussed in the article is important not only for Poland and the eastern countries of the European Union, but for the entire EU, because the destination of migrants is not countries such as Poland, Lithuania or Latvia, but wealthier Western countries.


civil war; political refugees; migrants; Polish People’s Republic; Polish-Belarus border

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Date of publication: 2024-03-28 13:57:55
Date of submission: 2023-11-26 19:46:25


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