Animal Protection Education (Legal Aspects)

Emil Kruk


The article is of a scientific research nature, and its main aim is to analyse the legislation providing for obligations for the dissemination of knowledge on animal protection, as well as to evaluate them and formulate optimisation postulates. The formal-dogmatic analysis of the regulations in force in the Polish legal order has been preceded by findings on how this issue is regulated in international and EU laws. This is mainly supported by the fact that formal education has a huge role to play in animal protection. Unfortunately, this issue has been marginalised in all legal orders discussed in this text. All in all, the normative arrangements adopted must be assessed as very insufficient, in particular as regards the fulfilment of the statutory obligation to take account of animal protection issues in the general education core curriculum. Moreover, this issue is very rarely subject to an in-depth scientific analysis. Therefore, the dissemination of previously unpublished research results will help develop better legislative solutions and raise public awareness about the protection of animals, which is one of the conditions for further civilizational progress.


law; animal protection; formal education; school; knowledge; upbringing

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:37
Date of submission: 2023-07-02 14:26:26


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